Opening Hours

J B Battlefield Services - West Lafayette

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Opening times today

What are the opening hours of J B Battlefield Services? Here you can find the answers to your questions. The opening hours for this Inn have been verified by several sources. So you can be sure that you won't arrive out of hours.

Opening Hours

  • Monday 08:00-22:00
  • Tuesday 08:00-22:00
  • Wednesday 08:00-22:00
  • Thursday 08:00-22:00
  • Friday 08:00-22:00
  • Saturday 08:00-22:00
  • Sunday 08:00-22:00


  • Address: 5850 IN-43, West Lafayette, USA, United States
  • Phone: +17655672800




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Came in there Saturday there was a new girl working very rude she was on her phone she wasn't worried about attending to her customers at all didn't greet us when we come in the door won't be going back there

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Great place!

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Great selection and a clean subway inside

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Your gas station is nasty and your employees are assholes. Good luck

J B Battlefield Services open hours
