Opening Hours

On The Border Mexican Grill Cantina - Weatherford

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Opening times today

Check the opening hours of On The Border Mexican Grill Cantina, when the Restaurant opens or closes. Or check out Restaurant nearby that are still open. These might not be up to date on other website, so it is recommended to call the restaurant shortly before if necessary to find out if it is already open. The phone number of On The Border Mexican Grill Cantina can also be found here!.

Opening Hours

  • Monday 11:00-23:00
  • Tuesday 11:00-23:00
  • Wednesday 11:00-23:00
  • Thursday 11:00-23:00
  • Friday 11:00-23:00
  • Saturday 11:00-23:00
  • Sunday 11:00-23:00


  • Address: 114 E Interstate 20, Weatherford, 76087, United States Of America
  • Phone: +18175942174




  • Mexican