Opening Hours

Blaze Pizza - Tallahassee

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Opening times today

Check the opening hours of Blaze Pizza, when the place opens or closes. Or check out place nearby that are still open. These might not be up to date on other website, so it is recommended to call the restaurant shortly before if necessary to find out if it is already open. The phone number of Blaze Pizza can also be found here!.

Opening Hours

  • Monday 11:00-22:00
  • Tuesday 11:00-22:00
  • Wednesday 11:00-22:00
  • Thursday 11:00-22:00
  • Friday 11:00-22:00
  • Saturday 11:00-22:00
  • Sunday 11:00-22:00


  • Address: 220 S Magnolia Dr, Tallahassee, FL 32301, USA, United States
  • Phone: +18507954519 +18505366325




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from blaze to second time today and it was absolutely delicious! I got the flower coal for the first time, and I wasn't fan at all, so I'm glad we came back to give it another try. because the regular teig was so much better! the pizzas were much bigger than I expected and came full of fresher estates. everything was cooked really fast, right in the many of us. what I thought was really neat. they can customize and build their pizzas and they have a tonne of different topping to choose from all designed. everything is fresh there. I love it! We will definitely stop from blaze more often.

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blaze pizza is fire! fairer price for the part. pizza is quite thin crust, there is a beautiful tie, but there is a little less than to fill if I really am hungry. generally good price for the part though! recommend to build your own!

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they have any type of crust they could want here, including gluten-free and keto! many options, good salads. I'll be back!

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blaze is amazing. the personal at this place is amazing, and treats customers very right. the personal is always beautiful. the pizza is great. the Pesto sauce is amazing. they were so nice that they mixed spicy red sauce and regularly together for me. I was so remarkable. I'll do that right away.

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Wow. Ok- I have had pizza all over the world and the US- and this pizza is perfect!! The dough was fluffy and the perfect amount of cooked- not over done at all. So cheap. Extra toppings for free. Wide variety of toppings. Awesome vegan options. You can even order a half pizza size. Seriously a 10 out of 10. The customer service was a 10 too. Everyone made me feel welcome and comfortable- positive atmosphere.

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Pizza is really good with lots of different customization options including vegan and gluten free. Have ordered twice now and am happy with what has been received. Really brings the love back to pizza for me cause I'm not left feeling bloated and greasy. Will definitely be back for more!

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Ate here with a friend today. The entire experience was amazing from start to finish. Palmer took my order very friendly and deserving of a raise. Jay was also very helpful and hospitable. Loved my time here and will definitely be back!

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This was a great experience as this was our first time! Everything we ordered was well worth the $35 we spent on 2 pies, 1 salad, 4 drinks. We loved the BYO option to cater to our individual preferences. They even have vegan cheeze! The place was clean; staff was super-friendly and the young lady was patient enough to explain the menu thoroughly! The salad was made fresh to order w/ our specs; yet, a small bit of the lettuce was spoiled (see pic). Nonetheless, we shall return very soon!




  • Pizza
  • Vegetarian
  • Italian
  • Salad
  • Salads