Opening Hours

Succotash - Oxon Hill

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Opening times today

Check the opening hours of Succotash, when the Inn opens or closes. Or check out Inn nearby that are still open. These might not be up to date on other website, so it is recommended to call the restaurant shortly before if necessary to find out when it is open. The phone number of Succotash can also be found here!.

Opening Hours

  • Monday 11:30-22:00
  • Tuesday 11:30-22:00
  • Wednesday 11:30-22:00
  • Thursday 11:30-22:00
  • Friday 11:30-23:00
  • Saturday 10:00-23:00
  • Sunday 10:00-22:00


  • Address: 186 Waterfront Street Oxon Hill, MD 20745, United States
  • Phone: +13015678900




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Went here this past weekend - a bit hesitant, since most dining venues at NH are overpriced and their food sucks, on top of the fact there is 24/7/365

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I've heard great things about succotash and had book marked this place for a while.

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I've wanted to try this place since it's opening! I was incredibly disappointed! As for the positive our reservation, party of 3, was for 3:45 on Sunday Nov

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the food .

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great evening. had the taste of the south. everything was delicious, except the ribs and the chicken were a little dry. it was late in the evening on the day of the father. service was excellent.

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that was my first time. the customer service was great, eating and the prices were not. I was born in biloxi ms, so when they say, south kitchen, I know what that is. that's Asian food and they should just say that. black BBQ sauce, nope. I'm sure someone enjoys it, but not me. the ambiente des ortes was beautiful. to the happiness my server intuitiw was enough to tell me exactly what I ordered and try to adjust the meal for me. I couldn't even get normal Mac-n-cheese. I did it, but I was very excited about the south kitchen.

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It was to dark and it was hot inside. And the greens wasn't good.. there was to much vinegar and kim-chi don't go in collards.

Succotash opening hours


  • Vegetarian
  • Cafes
  • Tradamerican
  • Bbq
  • American