Opening Hours

Seaboard Brewing, Taproom, Wine - Matthews

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Opening times today

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Opening Hours

  • Monday 16:00-23:00
  • Tuesday 11:30-23:00
  • Wednesday 11:30-23:00
  • Thursday 11:30-23:00
  • Friday 11:30-00:00
  • Saturday 11:30-00:00
  • Sunday 11:30-22:00


  • Address: 213 N Trade St, 28105, Matthews, US, United States
  • Phone: +17042466575




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great wine selection, great service, great ambiente

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great place! great seating outdoor, pet friendly, perfect place

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great atmosphere, great selection of beer and wine and some sour and apple wines as well. great outdoor area and they can bring their dogs. they have eaten too!

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I could not even have the experience of dinning here, but their employees are definitiw amazing to take the time and help them when they are on the side of the road. I bet her service is great!

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Always like this place. The wine selection is second to none and they know there wines. They have a good selection of house brewed beers as well. The pizza outside is great and they make a incredible pizza cinnamon and sugar sticks for a dessert. It’s family and dog friendly, so be prepared to go over and pet a number of cute dogs if you like that.

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Very cool place. I'm a craft beer guy and of the 10 or so on tap there were some very good ones. The wine crowd I was with love the selection and the advice of the staff.

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Herbal medicine is 100% guaranteed to cure HSV1/2 and lots more. The main reason why most people finds it difficult to get cured from HSV1/2 or any symptoms is because they so believe in medical reports that there’s no cure and the same medical doctors will always recommend to y’all hard drugs made from chemicals which can cause more damages to your body system unknowingly to you. Doctor Aziba. Natural herbs is best and it’s all vegetables root and herbs put together with no side effects. His herbal medicine cured me totally after 2 weeks of uses with all outbreaks gone. I’m recommending y’all with same or similar symptoms to contact Doctor for a total and permanent cure via his WhatsApp Num: +2348100368288 or Email: [email protected]

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Great options on tap and really good appetizers! Enjoyed the environment. We were there in the afternoon but I would love to go back in the evening and catch some live music.


  • Pizza
  • Wine
  • Chocolate
  • Dessert
  • Drinks