Opening Hours

Swig Swine - Charleston

Open Now

Opening times today

Check the opening hours of Swig Swine, when the Inn opens or closes. Or check out Inn nearby that are still open. These might not be up to date on other website, so it is recommended to call the restaurant shortly before if necessary to find out if it is still open. The phone number of Swig Swine can also be found here!.

Opening Hours

  • Monday 11:00-21:00
  • Tuesday 11:00-21:00
  • Wednesday 11:00-21:00
  • Thursday 11:00-21:00
  • Friday 11:00-21:00
  • Saturday 11:00-21:00
  • Sunday 11:00-21:00


  • Address: Charleston, SC 29407, 1217 Savannah Hwy, United States
  • Phone: +18432253805




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Was placing an order on Uber East and didn’t see an option for sauce. So i called the restaurant to see how I should make sure I got it. Instead of asking me to put it in the order details, the guy who answered the phone for me asked my name and told me he’d make sure I got it. As a person who works in food and beverage this effort meant a lot. Got my sauce and the food was awesome.

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Just not a fan of their BBQ. The ribs were over sauced probably to hide the fact they were overcooked. The staff was mostly friendly except for pushing us to a table for two “because they save the 4 tops for larger groups ” only to see them fill up with twosomes immediately afterwards.

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Very very good bbq! Our waitress was super awesome and helpful. The brisket was my favorite, and it was so good I ate it without sauce after trying a couple of them.

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I'm only giving this one extra star because our waiter was just lovely and the atmosphere was great. Just a warning, if something says spicy or spice, be prepared for tons of spice and I mean tons. I ordered the spicy chicken sandwich which is only available on Fridays and I thought it would not be that bad, but it was really spicy if you do not have a low spice intolerance. The chicken itself was super tender and it was delicious. Overall, it's just the fact that the chicken was incredibly spic … – show

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Great place for pork. Everything was cooked very nicely. Good choices of sauce.

Swig Swine opening hours




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